When was the first peacekeeping mission launched?

The first peacekeeping mission was launched in 1948 in the newly created State of Israel and was known as the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO). A conflict broke between the Israelis and the Arab states about thecreation of the new state of Israel. Though there was a ceasefire, the mission remains operational even today.

The second Arab-Israeli war broke out in 1956. This is also known as the Suez crisis and was against the nationalization of the Suez Canal. The war was between the alliance of the United Kingdom, France, and Israel, and Egypt, which was supported by other Arab nations. This resulted in the first emergency special session of the UN General Assembly.

It was the Canadian representative Lester B Pearson who brought forward the idea of a UN police force. Peacekeeping activities began with the formation of the UN Emergency Force (UNEF). They were deployed in the Suez Canal region. The UNEF policed the Egyptian-Israeli border to prevent violent events from happening.


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