How is Shashi Tharoor connected to the UN?

Many of us know Shashi Tharoor as a leading politician who uses complex English words like floxinoxinihiliphication. Shashi Tharoor had worked with the United Nations for almost thirty years.

Before rising to being an administrator at highest levels, Shashi Tharoor worked as a peacekeeper and a refugee worker. Peacekeeping after the Cold War was one of his major responsibilities. He then served as a senior advisor to the Secretary-General.

In 2001, he was appointed as the Under-Secretary General for Communications and Public Information under Kofi Annan. Tharoor was nominated by the government of India in the Secretary-General election.

However, he retired from the UN in 2007 after finishing second in the selection of UN Secretary-General. He then returned to India to become a leading figure in Indian politics.


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