What are the unusual properties of lavender?

Lavender oil is great natural soother of scalp conditions such as dandruff, and helps calm itchy skin. It is also said to help beat stomach bloating and poor digestion. Its purple plant is used as a sleep aid owing to its relaxing qualities – you stash a small branch under your pillow at night. Tests have shown that simply smelling it lowers heart rate and blood pressure.

Sprinkle dried lavender in tea, yoghurt or milk that you have before bed time. Put some in a flat vase and place it on the bedside table. Pour boiling water over dried lavender, strain and drink.

Most research suggests that lavender oil can help improve depression in people with depression. Taking lavender by mouth for 6 weeks seems to improve depression. A tincture of lavender appears to be slightly less effective than the medicationimipramine (Tofranil) for treating depression. 

Some research shows that inhaling lavender essence while receiving pain killers intravenously (by IV) can help reduce pain in women after a C-section. Other research shows that inhaling lavender for 3 minutes every 6 hours can lessen pain and reduce the need to use acetaminophen after a tonsillectomy in children 6-12 years old.


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