No structure can withstand very large earthquakes, but by using reinforced materials and foundations that allow for movement, architects have been able to design buildings able to survive even quite strong shocks.

          Many engineers and architects now believe it’s possible to build an earthquakeproof building — one that would ride the waves of the most fearsome temblor and remain as good as new once the shaking had stopped. The cost of such a building, however, would be staggering. Instead, construction experts strive for something slightly less ambitious — earthquake-resistant buildings, which are designed to prevent total collapse and preserve life, as well as construction budgets.

          In recent years, the science of building earthquake-resistant structures has advanced tremendously, but it’s not an entirely new subject. In fact, a few ancient buildings still stand today despite their location in active seismic zones. One of the most notable is the Hagia Sophia, a domed church (now museum) built in Istanbul, Turkey, in A.D. 537. About 20 years after it was completed, the massive dome collapsed after a quake shook the area. Engineers evaluated the situation and decided to rebuild the dome, but on a smaller scale. They also reinforced the whole church from the outside.

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