How long will the Hyperloop take to build?

In August 2013, Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and The Boring Company, and chief executive of Tesla, Inc, released his concept for a transportation system called the Hyerloop. The Hyperloop is a solar-powered, earthquake-resistant, pod-based transportation system. This fast-speed transportation system can cut down travel time between places by several hours. In the following years, several countries have shown interest in the Hyperloop system.

On the west coast, the strip between San Francisco and Los Angeles is one of the most traveled corridors in the state. Currently, people can cover this distance by road, air, or railway. Roads and railways tend to be slow, while a flight, though fast, tends to be expensive. Musk’s Hyperloop system would cover the distance between Los Angeles and San Francisco in 35 minutes and cost a proposed $20 per ride. 

The Hyperloop would consist of capsules transported at high speeds through the length of low-pressure tubes that are elevated off the ground. To simplify the science, reports suggest the pods would work similarly to an air hockey table. The capsules are supported on a cushion of air and travel at average speeds of 600 mph, reaching a top speed of 760 mph.


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