What do we know about Peneda-Geres National Park?

Peneda-Geres National Park is the only national park in Portugal. The Park was established to protect the soil, water, flora, fauna, and landscape of the place.

The Park is a jumble of oak forests, bogs, green valleys, and granite heights that are at least 300 million years old. Europe has a very few number of wolf packs and Peneda-Geres is home to some of them. It is also home to others, salamanders, 147 different species of birds and fifteen species of bats which are endangered. Most of the birds found here are migratory.

Wild ponies and Garrano ponies are native to the Park since a very long time. However in the mid-twentieth century, they were nearly wiped out due to extensive domestication. The Portuguese government began to rebuild the herds in the 1940s.


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