Why World Read Aloud day is celebrated?

Its time for bed. You’re all set to be tucked it. Then mum or dad sits by your side, flips through a book. They read; you listen. You giggle. You wonder. You ask questions. You imagine. You float into the dreamy clouds and fall asleep.

Remember how this happened at bedtime when you were babies? Does it still happen now? Do you think it’s awkward to be read to when you are so old? Or do you like to be read aloud to, but mommy and daddy think you’re too old for it?

Take heart. You’re never too old for read aloud. And you’re never too young or too old to read aloud to someone else.

February 5 was celebrated globally as World Read Aloud Day. It was started in 2010 by Litworld (www.litworld.org), an organisation that celebrates literacy and the joy of reading to children in societies where education is a privilege. Over the years, it gained momentum globally and today, millions of people across the world celebrate February 5, every year, by reading aloud and sharing stories.

Reading aloud stories is a great way to spend time with family and friends. Because when you are reading aloud, you are sharing, you are giving your time, you are showing that you care. As you read, you share your thoughts, you connect, you bond.

It is a great way to tackle difficult subjects that you may not be comfortable with reading alone. Such as war, depression, loneliness, loss, and so on. It helps you deal with rather tough times. Read such books with your parents – that’s the best place to get all your answers and understand complex issues.

Reading aloud with friends is a great idea as well. You will discover authors you did not know and books you have thought you would read and thus increase the scope of books that you read. If you are a non-reader, this may even turn you into a reader for life! Reading aloud also builds confidence and improves your fair in speaking in a public space.

I see so many children huddled together outside schools, in public parts, in society compounds bonding over social media. No one is talking to each other. Everyone is only staring into their phones, their fingers swiping left and right nimbly. Discussing what’s the latest buzz on their social media accounts. What if those phones were replaced by books? What if you socialise over books instead of phones? What if you read excerpts from books instead of tweets and posts? Give it a shot. It could be a funny book, scary book, whatever-you-like book.

And tonight, before you go to bed, pick a book and give it to your mu or dad. Read together. Float into the dreamy clouds and fall asleep.

For you’re never too old for read aloud. And you’re never too young to read aloud to someone else.


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