What is the hybrid offspring of a male lion and a female tiger called?

Ever heard of a liger? It’s the offspring of a male lion and female tiger. There’s also the tigon, which has a lion mother and tiger father. he liger and the tigon possess features of both parents, in variable proportions, but are generally larger than either. It is thought that most, if not all, male ligers and tigons are sterile. The females, however, on occasion, may be able to produce young. The terms liger and tigon are portmanteaus of the words lion and tiger.

The largest ligers often grow to lengths of more than 3.3 metres (10.8 feet) and weigh more than 400 kg (900 pounds); however, there are reports of some individuals weighing more than 1,000 kg (1 metric ton [about 2,200 pounds]). Tigons, in contrast, tend to be the same size or smaller than their parents, because the growth-limiting genes are carried by both parents.


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