What are the skills to become a coder?

A new research from the University of Washington in Seattle, the U.S., revealed that one need not necessarily excel in Maths to be a coder. According to the research, a natural aptitude for learning languages is a stronger predictor of learning to programme than basic math knowledge. This is because writing code also involves learning a second language and the ability to learn that language’s grammar and vocabulary.

The study had examined the neurocognitive abilities of more than 30 adults as they learned a programming language called Python. Following a series of tests that assessed their executive function, language, and math skills, participants also complete a series of online lessons and quizzes in Python.

Those who managed to learn the programming language faster and with greater accuracy tended to have a mix of strong problem-solving skills as well as language abilities, stated the findings published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Maths has always been considered one of the most important skills when it comes to coding. However, this new study states while mathematical skills are important, there are other skills, apart from the aptitude to learn a new language, which are equally important.

If you wish to become a coder, here are a few skills you should develop:

Problem-solving: One of the most important soft skills required to be a programmer is problem-solving because a programmer’s key role is to solve a problem. If the boss wants to know what the users are reading through in the site, the programmer needs to solve the problem by writing a code that instructs the computer to track user clicks.

Logical reasoning: The computer is a logical machine. If a+b=c, the computer will follow that logic. Hence, a programmer too needs to work on his logical reasoning skills to understand the workings of the computer and provide step-by-step logical instructions.

Good memory: ‘Practice makes perfect’ is a popular saying. But before you are close to perfecting your programming knowledge, you need to work on your memory skills. This is because programming involves the use of several keywords for specific tasks which need to be remembered.

Basic math: You don’t need to be an expert in math. But basic math, especially arithmetic and algebra, is a must since programs need to perform calculations at different points in time.

Communication skills: A programmer needs to be an effective communicator. Apart from being attentive and listening to the brief a client gives him or her, a programmer needs to effectively communicate what can or cannot be done when it comes to coding.

A keen eye for detail: Programming languages involve the use of several keywords and special characters. If one character is missing, then the whole program can crash. Hence, a programmer needs to have a keen eye for detail.

Curiosity: Being curious is an essential skill for a programmer. A programmer needs to ask questions and look for answers to ensure writing the best version of a program. So, are you ready to code?


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