Which bird’s egg is the largest in the avian world?

The Ostrich is the biggest bird in the world and can weigh as much as 180kg. They also lay the biggest egg in the world – one ostrich egg weighs about 1, 5 kg and is equivalent to 24 chicken eggs.

The ostrich egg is also the strongest egg and this is to ensure that when the male and female ostriches sit on the eggs that they won’t break.  A full grown man can stand on the ostrich egg and it will easily carry the weight of the person.  One ostrich egg can take a pressure of up to 220 kg on the ends and 150kg on the side.

In 2020, studies of decorated ostrich eggs in the British Museum showed that the methods by which they had been sourced, produced and traded were more complicated than had previously been imagined. Isotope analysis showed that eggs from the same archaeological site had originated in different places. Microscopic analysis revealed details of the techniques by which they had been decorated. The studies suggested that, rather than the eggs having been laid by captive birds, almost all had most likely been collected in the wild; a potentially hazardous undertaking.


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