What is skitching?

It is what the character Marty McFly did with a blue jeep in the movie Back to the Future. Skitching is a highly dangerous activity in which a daredevil grabs the rear bumper of a moving car while riding on a skateboard or bicycle.

Skateboarding developed in USA during the 1950s as an alternative to surfing. Over the decades, players have pushed themselves to perform more and more dangerous stunts with the skateboard. Skitching is one such stunt where the rider ‘hitches’ a ride while skating.

Skitching is deadly because a skateboarder always risks being run down by oncoming traffic. He may face grave injury if he skids over potholes at the speed of the towing car. More often than not, the driver is unaware of the skateboarder hanging on to the rear and changes in the movement of the vehicle can throw the skitcher off balance.


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