Who lives at 10, Downing Street?

10 Downing Street is the official office and residence of the prime minister of the United Kingdom. It is colloquially known as Number 10 in the United Kingdom and was established as the residence of the First Lord of the Treasury; a post that is currently held by the prime minister. 10 Downing Street is also the headquarters of the government of the UK.

10 Downing Street is located in Downing Street, City of Westminster, London. Number 10 represents an apartment building that is over 300 years old and has 100 rooms. The building hosts offices, conference, dining, and sitting rooms. The building also hosts foreign dignitaries, national leaders, and government ministers. An interior courtyard and a half-acre garden are located at the rear of the building. 10 Downing Street is within walking distance of the Buckingham Palace and the Palace of Westminster.

Today, 10 Downing Street is among the most recognizable and photographed doors in the world. Once in a while, the prime minister holds press conferences outside the building. Public access to the building is limited for security purposes. The famous black door wasn’t always black, in the early 20th century it was painted green. The number “10” is written at the top half of the door. The brass letterbox and the lion’s head door knocker date back to the 1770s.


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