How do birds protect themselves from predators?

Birds are not too far behind mammals when it comes to smelly arsenals.

The green wood hoopoe of Africa pointedly lifts its tail at attackers and releases a foul fart smelling of rotten eggs. Its young take it a step further. They let their (liquid) faeces fly at the same time.

The babies of its next-of-kin, the Eurasian hoopoe, can fire-faecal-like fluid bullets to more than 60 cm.

Fulmars are seabirds that eat anything, from fish to rubbish. That gives the yellow vomit their chicks shoot out its distinctive bouquet. Adult fulmars simply spit stomach oil at intruders.

Smelling bad not only earns these birds the respect of their enemies but also keeps their skin and feathers free of pests. A study found 17 anti-microbial compounds in the wood hoopoe’s excreta.


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