Which planet is Earth’s evil twin?

Earth and Venus are about the same size, and are made up of similar rocky materials, but that’s where the similarities end! Venus is a deadly world. It’s boiling hot, covered in volcanoes, and cloaked in an atmosphere of deadly poisonous gases.



Venus is covered in volcanoes. There is evidence that some may still be erupting.

Barren surface

There are no rivers or lakes on the surface of Venus. The only rain it gets is acid rain that would burn through your skin.

Toxic clouds

Venus is covered in clouds of sulphuric acid. The atmosphere is so thick it would crush you in seconds.



Earth’s atmosphere protects it from dangerous space radiation, and contains gases like oxygen that we need to breathe.


Earth is home to an amazing variety of plants and animals.


About 71 per cent of Earth’s surface is covered by water. It is a vital ingredient for life.


With its distance from the Sun, Earth is the perfect temperature for life – neither too hot nor too cold.


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