What are Living things?

All living things have certain characteristics in common. To count as being alive, a living thing has to be able to carry out seven different processes, which are listed below.


All living things can move on their own. Even plants have leaves that turn to face the Sun.


Living things can produce new versions of themselves.


Living things can detect and respond to changes in the world around them. For example, the ability to react to changes in light, or to hear sounds.


Living things get bigger as they get older until they reach their full size.


All living things turn food into energy, using oxygen from the air.


All living things must get rid of any waste that they produce.


All living things need food. Unlike animals, plants make their own food.


Animals can move from place to place. They cannot make their own food, so they rely on eating other living things to survive.


Plants are fixed in the ground, but their roots, leaves, and flowers can move. They make their own food by using the Sun’s rays.


Funguses may not look alive, but they are. Most funguses feed on the remains of dead plants or animals. Mushrooms, toadstools, and moulds are all funguses.

Tree trunk

When a tree dies it usually falls to the ground. Funguses can grow on the dead tree trunk and soak up its nutrients.


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