How is science involved in everyday life?

Science is all around us. From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed, almost everything that we do or that happens to us can be explained by science. Here are a few examples of the ways that science helps us to understand what goes on in our daily lives.

Wakey wakey!

Science explains how a cockerel could wake us up in the morning. Sound waves travel through the air from the cockerel’s mouth to our ears.

Light the way

Science explains how flicking a switch turns on our lights, by allowing electricity to flow around an electrical circuit.

Keeping warm

Science explains how our clothes keep us warm. Wool and cotton are poor conductors of heat energy, so they stop our body heat from escaping.

Eat up!

Science explains why we need to eat food every day. Food contains stored energy that we need in order to move, grow, and keep warm.

On the move

Science explains how wecan use a bicycle to travel quickly. The grip of the tyres produces friction between the wheel and the road, which helps to push the bike along.

Sun power

Science explains why a plant grows when we put it on a windowsill. Plants use energy from sunlight to produce food, which gives the plant energy to grow.

Ball games

Science explains why a ball moves when we kick, throw, or hit it. Our arms and legs produce a force that propels the ball forwards.

Time for bed

Science explains why the Moon stays in the sky. The force of gravity from the Earth pulls on the Moon, keeping it in orbit around our planet.


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