What is DNA crime fighting?

Each of your cells contains a copy of your genome – all the DNA that you inherited from your parents. Just like a fingerprint, everyone (except a identical twin) has a slightly different, unique genome. This means that a criminal who leaves hair, skin, blood, or saliva at a crime scene can be identified by their DNA.

Matching DNA

A DNA fingerprint from a sample is recorded as a series of rungs, similar to a supermarket barcode. Crime investigators use software to search databases of offenders’ DNA to look for a match.

Boy or girl?

A baby’s characteristics – whether it will be tall or short, have curly or straight hair, or brown or blue eyes – are set by the DNA it inherits from its parents. Two special chromosomes, called X and Y, determine whether a baby will be male or female.

Genetic mix

An embryo is created when a sperm cell fertilizes a female egg. All eggs contain an X chromosomes, but a sperm can carry either an X or a Y chromosome. So it is the sperm that determines the baby’s sex.


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