How your body changes as you get older?

From babyhood to old age, the body changes as it grows and ages. At the age of around 20-30, humans reach maximum height, and are physically at their strongest. After that, the body very gradually decreases in power with age. However, the brain actually continues to improve over several more years. As it gains more experience, it gets better at analyzing situations and making decisions.

Making a man

Here are the stages of life for a human man. Size and height are the most obvious changes, but there are many other changes on the way to adulthood and old age.


Learning to stand and walk is a gradual process for growing babies. Babies have a large head and short arms and legs. By around 18 months, they have gained enough strength and muscle control to stand and start to walk.


At about age 2, the arms and legs grow so the head no longer looks as large. The brain develops rapidly, and children learn to talk and use their hands with more precision.


From the ages of 5-10, children continue to grow and learn complex physical skills such as riding a bike and swimming. Milk teeth are replaced by adult teeth by the age of about 11.


During puberty, hormones trigger major change: height increases, the body takes on more adult features, and emotional swings are common. A surge in hormones produces a big growth spurt.

Young adult

The body reaches its adult height, and bones stop growing. People are physically capable of reproducing – having children.


Humans are physically strongest between 20 and 35 years of age. Muscle development is complete and body systems continue to function well.

Middle-aged adult

Between the ages of 50 and 70, the skin becomes less stretchy and wrinkles appear. Muscles weaken. Vision and hearing begin to deteriorate.

Elderly adult

A person gets shorter as they age because their spine shortens. Their muscles also get weaker, and together with stiff joints this can make movement slower.


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