How hormones change the body?

Puberty marks the start of the process of preparing the body for reproduction later in life. In the reproduction organs, girls begin to produce eggs, while boys start to produce sperm. Puberty starts at different ages and takes different amounts of time to complete, so friends of the same age can often be very different heights and shapes.

Teenage spots

During puberty, hormones called androgens stimulate the skin’s oily sebaceous glands. Before they settle down to normal production, the newly activated glands can produce too much oil. Skin pores become blocked, causing blackheads. If the trapped oil gets infected, the area becomes inflamed and spots appear

Changes in girls

Girls experience a growth spurt as their bodies mature and the reproductive system starts working. The process starts at around 10 or 11 years. By the age of 15 or 16, most girls will be fully developed and the same size as an adult.

Changes in boys

Boys enter puberty between the ages of 9 to 12, and most have completed the stage by the time they are 17 or 18 years old.

Deeper sounds

The hormone testosterone affects boy’s voices in adolescence. Vocal cords grow thicker, so they vibrate at a lower frequency and the voice sounds deeper. The larynx tilts and sticks out, forming the Adam’s apple.

Breaking voices

As boys go through puberty, their voices can fluctuate between high and low as they learn to control their thicker vocal cords.


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