What does the story of Midas suggest about the history of gold?

Gold secured a place in the hearts of early humans the moment the sparkling yellow grains were discovered for the first time. Humans have longed for gold ever since then. Men fought for it, women adored it.

We know the story of king Midas. According to Greek mythology, king Midas was granted the boon to turn anything that he touches into gold. He jumped with joy when the leaves and fruits that he touched turned into gold. However, he soon realized that the boon that he had asked for was in fact, a terrible curse.

He could not eat or drink, nor even wash his hands. Everything he touched turned into gold the moment he touched it. The boon was finally taken back after begging the gods for mercy.

The story of king Midas conveys the importance that was associated with gold. He asks nothing else but gold. Ancient kings and queens have always tried to amass as much gold as they could. This is why gold has been called the ‘king of metals’ and ‘the metal of kings’.

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