How many hemispheres in the brain?

The cerebrum is divided into the right and left hemispheres. They communicate with each other through a thick bundle of nerve fibres called the corpus callosum. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, while the left hemisphere controls the right side.

Brain divide

The brain’s left side tends to control verbal and written skills, and logical thought. The right side tends to be where creative and emotional impulses come from. But the sides work together in a complex way that we don’t yet fully understand.

Left hemisphere


Fluency with spoken words is controlled by the left hemisphere.


The left hemisphere controls your ability to express yourself in written words.

Logical thought

The left side is responsible for thinking logically and finding solutions to problems.

Maths and science

The left side handles numbers, problems, and scientific thought.

Right hemisphere

Special skills

The right side of your brain deals with 3D shapes and structures.


Creativity and imaginative thoughts are fuelled by your right side.


The right hemisphere is more active when you listen to music or play an instrument.


Your artistic streak shows up on the right whenever you draw or paint.


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