What do we know about the ancient Egyptians’ relationship with gold?

Gold played an important role in the life and culture of ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians considered gold divine and indestructible. It was associated with the brilliance of the sun and the sun god Ra was called ‘the mountain of gold’. Gold was widely used in ancient Egypt to make ornaments and other objects of value.

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt used gold lavishly in their tombs, on the floor, on the walls, and in the huge sarcophaguses or burial urns. It was their belief in the magic and spiritual power of gold that led the Egyptians to bury their dead adorned with golden amulets and jewels, making their tombs great treasure troves of gold.

No wonder, ancient Egypt was regarded as one of the richest countries in the world. In fact, Egypt was known as ‘the golden land’.

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