Why is it said that tin gets plague?

We know of humans, animals and plants falling sick. But is it possible for a metal to fall sick? What is tin plague? Let us now find out the answers to these questions.

Just like you become weak when falling sick, tin grows weak in chilly weather. In very cold weather, ordinary white tin turns to a powdery grey substance that disappears after some time. This phenomenon is known as tin plague. Tragically enough, tin plague had caused the death of many members of an expedition to the South Pole that was led by Captain Robert Scott. They carried kerosene in cans soldered with tin. Kerosene was important for the expedition as it could be used to start fires in the freezing climate.

In the extreme cold weather, tin turned to a powdery dust. As a result, the cans sprung leaks and all the kerosene just dribbled away. It was a horrifying tragedy, for it meant that the members of the expedition had no kerosene to start fires to cook and warm themselves; they died of hunger and cold.

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