Why is there a rising demand for platinum these days?

Platinum is one of the most wanted metals in the world. People go crazy about platinum because it has a wide variety of industrial applications. Platinum jewellery is popular around the world. Most of the catalytic convertors in the world use platinum. In fact, 70 per cent of the world supply of platinum is used to make jewellery and catalytic convertors.

Platinum is used in fuel cells, computers and in the petroleum industry. It is also used for electrical contacts, corrosion resistant apparatus, and in dentistry. Cisplatin, a compound of platinum, is an important anticancer drug.

Nowadays, platinum jewellery is considered fashionable and more prestigious than gold. Platinum is stronger than gold; even the smallest piece of platinum can maintain its shape for a longer period. The strength of platinum makes it ideal for making jewellery. Platinum in jewellery is usually 95 per cent platinum alloyed with copper and other platinum group metals.

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