What is the arrangement of teeth called?

Different shaped teeth perform specific tasks. Sharp-edged incisors at the front cut into foods, while pointed canines are good for tearing. The cut food is then pushed back to the molars and premolars for grinding and chewing.

Milk teeth

A set of milk teeth consists of 20 teeth – 10 each in the upper and lower jaw. There are four molars for chewing food, but no premolars.

Ways to prevent milk tooth decay are similar to those for preventing adult tooth decay and include maintaining good oral hygiene and not allowing an infant or child to fall asleep with a bottle containing formula, fruit juices or sweetened liquids.

Healthy milk teeth help a child to eat, chew and speak normally and decayed teeth can hamper the child’s ability to eat normally, therefore affecting growth and development. In addition, a decayed primary tooth can lead to infection that may damage the permanent tooth growing underneath.

Permanent teeth

By the age of about 11, a child has a set of 28 permanent teeth. In the late teens, four more molars – the wisdom teeth – may appear, making a set of 32.

Permanent teeth can last a lifetime and it is very important to maintain them to prevent tooth decay developing and damaging them. Tooth decay can be prevented through brushing and flossing daily and attending regular dental checkups. These maintenance techniques prevent plaque from forming across the teeth and eroding the enamel and causing decay of the material inside.


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