What do we know about emperor penguins?

  • Emperors are the largest of all penguins. They can grow up to 4 feet in height. They are endemic to Antarctica.
  • They live in an incredibly harsh environment, where the temperature can reach -140°F .
  • They huddle together to stay warm.
  • The flightless birds feed on fish, squid, and krill.
  • Emperor penguins can dive up to 1,850 feet in water in search of food. While diving, the emperor penguin’s oxygen use it significantly reduced, as its heart rate plunges to as low as 15-20 beats per minute, non-essential organs are shut down. These factors help the birds take longer dives.
  • During the breeding season, emperor penguins trek 50-120 km to the mating site. Females lay a single egg and then leave for feeding.
  • Males stand and protect the eggs by balancing them on their feet for two months. They don’t eat anything until the females return.
  • When female penguins return, they bring a belly full of food that they regurgitate for the newly hatched chicks. Among penguins, the emperor chicks are the biggest.
  • As the males set off to feed, the chicks are taken care of by the female.
  • The chicks form groups called creches, and handle together for protection and warmth.


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