What is a normal visual field?

The left and right eye each have their own angled view, called the visual field. Data from the left half of each eye is compared by the brain’s visual centre, and similarly for the right halves of each eye. The process of combining the different views into one 3D image is called binocular vision.

3D Vision

Many animals, such as horses, have eyes on the sides of their head, but humans have forward-facing eyes. Each eye sees from a different angle to provide an overlapping view of the scene. The brain uses this to create an image with height, width, and depth.

Movie magic

The ultimate cinematic experience is a 3D movie. The film is made by copying what the eyes so. Scenes are shot with two cameras, then special glasses are worn to put the images together. The result makes the audiences feel as though they are “in” the film.


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