How do ears help with balancing and hearing?

As well as providing our sense of hearing, the ears help us to keep our balance and send vital information to the brain when we move.

The inner ear is the part deepest inside the head. It contains three fluid-filled tubes called semicircular canals. As we move, the fluid inside the canals moves, sending messages to the brain to help us keep our balance. Also in the inner ear is the cochlea, which converts sounds to hearing.

Information coming from the vestibular system is processed in the brain and then sent on to other organs that need this information, such as the eyes, joints or muscles. This allows us to keep our balance and know what position our body is in.

In some situations, for example on a ship or airplane, different sensory organs (e.g. the eyes and the organ of balance) send contradictory messages to the brain. This can cause us to feel unwell, dizzy or nauseous.

The vestibular system is especially sensitive in children, and reacts more slowly to movements as we grow older. Inner ear infections and other problems may also affect how well our sense of balance works.


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