Which are the biggest sea mammal babies?

When a baby blue whale is born, it weighs between two and three tonnes. It drinks about 200 litres of its mother’s milk a day, and by seven months old, it weighs 20 tonnes!

Amazing! Every year, a herd of about 1.5 million fur seals gather on the Pribilof Islands in Alaska to breed. What a squash!

Which sea mammals live in a pod?

Some dolphins live in family groups called pods. A pod may be hundreds of dolphins strong. The dolphins help each other out. If one of them is ill, for example, the others look after it, by pushing it to the surface so that it can breathe.

Which sea mammals live the longest?

Whales and dolphins have long lives. Fin whales probably live the longest, between 90 and 100 years. The Baird’s beaked whale is close behind. It can live for up to 80 years.

Is it true? Baby whales and dolphins are born head first.

No. A baby whale or dolphin is born tail first. Otherwise it might drown. Its mother pushes it to the surface so that it can take its first breath.

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