What ate 500 figs in a single week?

All lemurs love to come across a tree of juicy figs, but one ruffed lemur once ate about 500 figs in a week. The greedy lemur defended the crop of fruit against any would-be raiders!

Is it true? Tarsiers have a swivelling head.

Yes. Tarsiers can turn their head half a full circle, like an owl. This is a perfect way to catch an unsuspecting katydid or other flying insect.

Do monkeys and apes eat bananas?

Primates do eat bananas and even peel them first. Fruit, seeds, flowers, shoots, leaves and fungi (types of mushroom) are all perfect primate meals. The orang-utan’s favourite snack is the stinky durian fruit, which smells like cheese.

Amazing! Primates chew gum. Many primates, especially marmosets and bushbabies, scrape away the bark of a gum tree to get at the sap. But when it’s fresh the gum is liquid, so the animals drink rather than chew.

Which primates eat poison?

Lorises eat insects that are so toxic (poisonous) that they would give other animals a heart attack! They sneak up on their prey and grab it with their hands. The golden bamboo lemur even eats young bamboo shoots that contain cyanide, which is a very dangerous poison.

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