Should people keep primates in zoos?

Primates are happiest in the wild, but zoos do important work. They breed animals that are becoming endangered, such as the golden lion tamarin or the silvery marmoset. Zoos also help people to learn about their ape and monkey cousins. This helps people to understand better why primates should be protected in the wild.

Amazing! Some people think that there are primates yet to be discovered – abominable snowmen! There are many tales of monstrous primates in remote parts of the world, including the yeti from central Asia.

Why are primates in danger?

Not all primates are threatened, but some are. Some, such as the emperor tamarin with its beautiful whiskery moustache, are caught to be sold as pets. Gorillas and orang-utans are in danger because people are destroying their habitat and are also hunting them. There are only about 650 gorillas left in the wild.

Is it true? People eat chimp and chips.

No. A few apes and monkeys are caught for food, but the biggest threats are the pet trade and the destruction of the places where they live.

Which primate came back from the dead?

Sometimes primates are thought to be extinct, only to re-appear. This happened with the greater bamboo lemur. Most primates are shy and good at hiding. Also, they often live in remote places which are difficult to explore.

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