What are the different parts of plants?

Plants have many different parts. Many have roots, stems, and leaves. All the parts work together to help the plant live and grow. Not every plant has all these parts, but most do.

Roots grow from the bottom of the plant down into the ground and spread out. Like sponges, roots soak up water and minerals for the plant. Roots are anchors too. By growing down and spreading out in the ground, they hold a plant firmly in place.

Stems support a plant’s leaves and hold them towards the light. Flowers grow from the stems. Water and minerals travel to the rest of the plant through tiny tubes in the stems. The trunk of a tree is a big stem.

Leaves make food for the plant. They use the energy of sunlight to change air, water, and minerals into sugar and starch. Leaves grow in many shapes and sizes. Some are broad and flat. Others are long and thin. Some leaves have smooth edges. The edges of other leaves are jagged or wavy. And some leaves look like needles or spines.

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