What is waterworks?

Thirsty? Turn on the kitchen tap and fill a glass with water. Where does that water come from? Like other raw materials, water goes to a factory before it reaches your home.

When it rains, water seeps through the soil and rock a factory called a waterworks cleans the water for people to use.

First, waterworks pumps water from under the ground or from a river or lake. Then it filters the water. It removes tiny bits of dirt. The filtered water looks clean, but it may contain germs. Small amounts of chemicals are added to kill the germs.

The treated water flows to a pumping station sends the water to underground pipes called water mains. When you turn on the tap, water comes from the water main into your house.

Some cities pump treated water into water towers. These are called holding tanks. When water is needed, it flows to water mains on your street.


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