How does paper made?

Paper is one of the greatest inventions, Imagine a world without it. There would be no books, magazines, newspapers, or boxes. How would we send letters to friends or do homework?

People make paper from trees. The logs go to a paper mill, where the bark is removed. The wood is then chopped into small pieces about the size of your fingernail.

The wood chips are cooked in steam and chemicals to make a pulp. Sometimes used paper and rags are added. Then the pulp is washed to remove the chemicals and other unwanted materials.

Machines beat the pulp to separate the wood fibres. Sometimes colouring is added at this stage.

Next, the pulp goes to a paper-making machine. It is poured onto a wire-mesh belt that removes the water. After that, rollers squeeze the paper into sheets and dry it.

Finally, the paper goes through heavy rollers that iron it smooth.

Recycled paper is made using shredded newspapers and other used paper products. It is added to the wood chips during the pulp stage, making up 25 to 50 percent of the paper pulp.


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