Who was the second President of the United States of America?

John Adams served as the second president of the United States of America. He was more of a political philosopher than a politician. Adams served as the vice president under George Washington. John Adams was a Harvard-educated lawyer who played an important role in the war of independence. He is one of the Founding Fathers and went on to become the first vice president of the newly independent nation.

It was Adams who worked with Thomas Jefferson on the wording of the Declaration of independence, a document declaring the U.S. to be independent of the British Crown. It is interesting to note that Adams was not formally nominated for presidentship. He became the de facto candidate with the endorsement of retiring President Washington and he won the elections defeating Thomas Jefferson.

His term began in 1797. It was Adams who established the U.S. Navy and ordered the first warships to be built. During his tenure, the war between the French and British caused great difficulties for the U.S. on the high seas. After great efforts, Adams was able to sign a peace treaty with France in 1800. Adams ran for the presidential election again in 1800. He competed against Thomas Jefferson again, but this time, the people favoured Jefferson. Adams died on 4 July, 1826.

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