Explain about outside of the Earth?


The outside of the Earth

Take a walk and touch the outside of the earth with your feet. Dig a small hole and feel the soil. Splash in a stream. Take a deep breath of the air that surrounds you.

You live on the surface of the earth. The surface, or crust, of the earth is made of rock. In some places, it is covered with soil. In many places, it is covered with water. All around it is air.

Most people live on huge pieces of land called continents. A continent is a huge platform of rock that sticks up higher than the rest of the earth’s rocky crust.

Some people live on smaller pieces of land called islands. Some islands are the tops of underwater mountains or volcanoes. Other islands are formed from sand or coral. Still others are pieces of land that have become separated from a continent.

The continents and islands are surrounded by water. Water covers almost three-quarters of the earth’s surface.

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