Where is shortest commercial flight in the world?

The shortest commercial flight in the world is in Scotland. Scottish regional airline, Loganair, operates the shortest commercial flight in the world between the islands Westray and Papa Westray, a distance of 1.7 miles. While the flight is scheduled for 90 seconds, typically it runs closer to 90 seconds, typically it runs closer to 60 seconds. The eight-seat aircraft carries teachers and school students, visiting health staff, tourists, and islands residents travelling between the isles.

Island passengers include school children, teachers, midwives, doctors, patients and even the local banker and police officer. Of course, adventurers, aviation enthusiasts and visitors also use the route to explore some of Scotland’s most magical parts.

Awarded by Orkney Islands Council, internal flights to the six outer isles — Eday, North Ronaldsay, Papa Westray, Sanday, Stronsay and Westray — are operated under a Public Service Obligation (PSO) contract. Approximately 10kg of aviation fuel is used for the route, which evens out to around £15. To put this into perspective, a Boeing 747 can burn anywhere up to 1.5 tonnes of fuel while taxiing before take-off. In the grand scheme of things, this makes flying a surprisingly green way to travel across the Orkney Islands.


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