How ocean shapes the land?

The ocean shapes the land

When water pokes its way into the land, it creates many different kinds of bodies of water and land areas. Here are some words used to describe such places.

A bay is a place where a part of the ocean or a lake pokes into the land. Seen from an aeroplane, a bay often looks as if a giant has taken a big bite out of the land and water has come in to fill the hole.

An inlet is a narrow body of water that pokes into a piece of land or runs between islands. An inlet tends to be finger-shaped.

An area of land that is almost completely surrounded by water is called a peninsula. One part of it connects to the mainland.

When waves knock pieces of rock into the water, sometimes they wash up on a beach or settle under the shallow water along a coast. When many pieces of rock collect, a new strip of land called a sand bar or spit rises from the ocean.

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