How hard is the Wind Blowing?

Wind has many different names, depending on how hard it is blowing. In this question, you will find out how to tell how hard the wind is blowing by watching what it does. And you will learn some of the names we give to the different speeds of wind.

  1. In calm air, smoke rises straight up. The wind is blowing less than 1.6 kilometres per hour.
  2. In a moderate breeze, small branches sway, and dust and paper blow about. Wind speed is 21 to 29 kilometres per hour.
  3. In a strong breeze, big branches sway, and umbrellas are difficult to use. Wind speed is 39 to 49 kilometres per hour.
  4. In a moderate gale, whole trees sway, and it is hard to walk against the wind. The wind speed is from 51 to 61 kilometres per hour.
  5. A fresh gale breaks twigs off trees and makes walking very difficult. Wind speed is 63 to 74 kilometres per hour.
  6. A strong gale can blow tiles off roofs and damage buildings. Wind speed is 76 to 87 kilometres per hour.
  7. A whole gale will uproot trees and often do much damage to buildings. Wind speed is 89 to 101 kilometres per hour.

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