What is the purpose of prehistoric painting?

Prehistoric Paintings

Imagine living more than 30,000 years ago. Writing has not been invented yet. But you want to keep track of the exciting things that happen to you. How do you do it?

Very early people used pictures to record their adventures. In 1956, Frenchman Henri Lhote discovered hundreds of paintings on cave walls in Algeria. Many of them show different kinds of animals. They also show people doing everyday things, such as hunting and herding animals.

Thousands of years ago, the native people of Australia painted pictures on bark. Their relatives, who live in Australia today, the Aborigines, still paint bark pictures. Most of these pictures tell stories that were passed down from parents to children for hundreds of years.

To make a bark picture, Aborigines cut bark from a eucalyptus tree. Next, they flatten and dry the bark.

Then they scratch a design into the bark and paint the design. They make their paint from crushed plants mixed with charcoal.

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