Do you know how beehives are organized?

A large beehive can contain up to 80,000 bees but there is never any danger that such a vast number of insects will lead to confusion or chaos.

There is only one queen in a hive and her sole task is to keep on lying eggs. There are several hundred male bees, known as drones, who do not work except fertilize the eggs. But as soon as a new queen is born these drones though incapable of lying eggs.

The worker bees form the overwhelming majorityof the population of a beehive and collect all the nectar and pollen.

Bees suck the nectar from the flower through a special nosetube and then carry it in a sack which contains up to 50 milligrams. The pollen is carried contains up to 50 milligrams. The pollen is carried in two little baskets on the bee’s hind legs. The worker bee delivers these ingredients and other worker bees in the hive mix them together into a sort paste which is fed to the larvae so that they will develop into adult insects.


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