What is Quasars?


Out in space there are extremely bright objects that we call quasars. Most quasars are about the size of the solar system. But they can be a trillion times brighter than the sun.

The word quasar is short for “quasi-stellar radio source”, which is an object that looks like a star but is not really a star.

In photos of space, quasars look like stars. But we can tell that they are giving off as much light and heat as 100,000 Milky Way galaxies!

Quasars are travelling away from us very fast. And they are very far away. They are so far from us, we do not see them as they are now. We see them as they were about 15 billion years ago. Astronomers study them to find out what the universe was like so long ago.

Where do quasars get all their energy? Many astronomers believe that quasars have massive black holes at their centers. Energy comes from matter swirling in towards the black hole.

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