What is Space Radiation?

Waves from Space

Right this minute, you are being hit by waves from outer space. These are radiation waves, and space is full of them.

Radiation is the giving off of a certain type of energy. This type of energy is given off by most things in space, including the sun and other stars, planets, and the huge clouds of gas and dust called nebulas.

All life on Earth depends on the radiation given off by the sun. The sun’s energy provides heat and light. The heat warms Earth. Its light provides food for plants, which in turn feed animals and people.

Radiation waves travel incredibly fast, almost as fast as light. When radiation strikes an object, it may give some or all of its energy to the object. When radiation waves hit you, you can’t feel them because they are made of such tiny bits of matter. Earth’s atmosphere shuts out some radiation. Scientists think there is also a kind of “wall” in our solar system that stops other radiation waves as well. This is a good thing, because too much radiation can make people sick.

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