What is fitness?

When sports professionals or teachers refer to fitness they divide the topic into three separate areas. These categories are Stamina, Strength and Flexibility.

Stamina (or endurance)

Stamina is the ability of your body to continue physical activities for an extended time. To improve your stamina you need to do more aerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercises Include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling and even dancing. There are many classes offering different styles of aerobic exercise depending on your fitness level.

Aerobic exercises strengthen your lungs and heart, which means that more blood and oxygen can be pumped around your body to where and when it is needed most, and you can work for longer length of time without getting out of breath.

Strength (or power)

To increase your strength and power, and build up your muscles you need to concentrate on anaerobic activities. Strong, well developed muscles support your joints and lessen the risk of injury when you are doing sudden, explosive movements like sprinting or simply when you are lifting things.

If you have not finished growing it is ill advised to take up lifting weights, as you can do serious damage to your body

The best and fortunately the cheapest way to build up strength is to use your own body in resistance when training, eg push-ups, where your arms are pushing against the weight of your body.

Flexibility (or suppleness)

Flexibility is your bodies ability to go through all its regular movements without feeling any sort of pain. Stringy tissues called tendons fasten your muscles to your bones, without regular movement they can get tight and make it harder to do things like touch your toes or scratch your back.

Gentle stretching eases stiffness. You should always warm up your body gently before you start any physical activity.


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