Why is the history of Cuzco astonishing?

The city of Cuzco is located at the heart of the central Peruvian Andes of South America. Cuzco was designated a World Heritage Site in 1983. Located 3400 m above sea level, Cuzco is a fertile alluvial valley.

The city had already been inhabited for over 3000 years when it underwent changes under the Incas. Most of the South American Andes had been under the rule of the Incas in the 15th and 16th centuries. In the 15th century, the Inca Emperor Pachacutec changed the city plan and renovated Cuzco. It was also made the capital of the Inca Empire.

Skilled engineering, stonework and architecture are still visible in the Inca ruins of Cuzco. One of the most remarkable features is the construction of walls without mortar. The stones have been cut in irregular shapes to fit into each other.

A famous example of this construction is the Stone of Twelve Angles. The imperial city of Incas had an urban centre with separate sections for religious and administrative activities. The city was connected by narrow stepped streets.

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