Where is Brasilia located?

The city of Brasilia is the federal capital of Brazil. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 for its unique city plan and architecture. The layout of the city has been compared to a bird or an aeroplane. Brasilia was designed by Brazilian architect Lucio Costa.

Brasilia lies 1100 metres above sea level between the headwaters of Tocantin, Paran and Sao Francisco Rivers. The executive, legislative and judiciary of Brazil’s federal government are centred here. 124 foreign embassies are also located in Brasilia.

The city is undergoing many changes now, with more services and structures introduced. What sets it apart in Brazil is that unlike other cities which are municipalities, Brasilia is an administrative division. The city had hosted the FIFA Confederation Cup in 2013, the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and some football matches during the 2016 Summer Olympics.

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