What are the words associated with environment?

Most of you may be involved in some initiative to preserve the health of the environment. And in the process, you must be coming across words and phrases associated with the environment and its conservation. Do you understand all of these words? Here is a check list of some words and their meanings.

[1] Anthropogenic [adjective]:

Anything caused by humans, especially in relation to climate change and global warming. Example: A series of environmental and anthropogenic events destroyed the bison in North America

[2] Biodegradable [adjective]:

When a substance is biodegradable it can be broken into very small parts by bacteria these parts are not harmful to the environment.

Example: Efforts are on to find biodegradable substitutes to plastic bags.

[3] Biological control [noun]:

A method of reducing the number of harmful insects by using other insects or small animals that feed on them. Example: Through biological control, she got rid of the harmful aphids that were damaging her plants.

[4] Carbon footprint [noun]:

The amount of carbon dioxide a person, organization, building, etc. produces, used as a measure of their effect on the environment. Example: We can reduce the carbon footprint we leave by using a bicycle to move around.

[5] Climate change [noun]:

Changes in the atmosphere that are thought to be affecting the world’s climate-mostly resulting in a warmer world.

Example: A major result of climate change is the frequency of tornadoes in coastal areas.

[6] Conservation [noun]:

Management of land and water in ways that prevent it from being damaged or destroyed. Example: Forest conservation is necessary to preserve wildlife.

[7] Contaminate [verb]:

To make something dirty, polluted, or poisonous by adding a chemical, waste, or infected material. Example: Ground water is contaminated by sewage water that is let into the soil.

[8] Deforestation [noun]:

The process of removing trees from an area of land or water. To reverse this, we need to engage in “afforestation” – the planting of trees.

Example: Deforestation is considered a major reason for the decrease in rains.

[9] Dispersant [noun]:

A chemical substance used to break up a liquid, especially oil floating on the sea, into tiny pieces so that it spreads over a wide area and causes less harm. Example: The dispersant added more chemicals to the oil spill so a bio alternative was suggested.

[10] Endangered species [noun]:

A type of animal or plant that may soon become extinct and disappear from the face of Earth.

Example: Star tortoises are one of the endangered species of the sea.

[11] Eco- [prefix]:

This prefix relates to the environment.


[a] Eco-friendly [adjective]: Programmed to cause as little harm as possible to the environment.

[b] Ecocide [noun]: Damage to or destruction of the natural environment, especially caused by human activity like pollution or war.

[c] Ecological [adjective]: Activities that protect the environment.

[d] Ecoterrorist [noun]: Someone who tries to stop or cause harm to people and organisations that try to protect the environment.

[e] Ecotourism [noun]: Creating, promoting and selling holidays that give people the chance to learn about a natural environment, done in a way that causes little damage to the environment.

[f] Ecotown [noun]: A new town that is designed in a way that reduces people’s impact on the environment to a minimum.

[12] Green [verb]:

Designed to protect the environment or to limit damage to the environment, used about places in which the environment is protected.

[a] Green issues [noun]: Issues that affect the environment.

[b] Green audit [noun]: A systematic examination of what a company/city is doing to prevent its activities from harming the environment.

[c] Green belt [noun]: An area of land around large cities where no buildings are allowed so that the countryside is protected.

[d] The greenhouse effect [noun]: The process in which heat is unable to escape from the atmosphere and causes the temperature of the Earth to rise.

[e] Greening [noun]: The process of taking an interest in environmental issues and acting to protect the environment.

[f] Greentailing [noun]: The use/sale of products that are not harmful to the environment; the business of selling such products.

[g] Greenwash [noun]: Any dodgy method by which a business or organisation tries to show that it is concerned about the environment.

[13] Geoengineering [noun]:

Action taken to change an environmental process that affects the earth’s climate. Example: Coal burning affects the environment and needs geoengineering to stop its adverse effects.

[14] Global warming [noun]:

The slow increase in the temperature of the Earth caused partly by the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Example: Global warming is so serious that all the glaciers are melting, causing a rise in the ocean levels.

[15] Naturalise [verb]:

To encourage plants to grow or animals to live in an area where they are not usually found. Example: Such naturalisation of animals and plants helps to preserve species that are endangered.

[16] Pollute [verb]:

To make air, water, or land too dirty and dangerous for people to use. A “polluter” is a person or company responsible for causing pollution. Examples: They should take care not to pollute the river.

Nature lovers ask for stiff penalties for polluters of lakes.

[17] Rainforest [noun]:

A forest in a tropical region with plenty of rainfall. Trees that grow here thrive on rains and have thick leaves. Rainforests are considered to be important environmental areas.

Example: The Silent Valley in Kerala, a rainforest is protected by law.

[18] Reclaim [verb]:

To improve an area of land so that it can be used.

Example: Land reclaimed from the sea must be used for research on sea animals and sea plants.

[19] Recycle [verb]:

To break waste materials such as newspapers and bottles down into their raw materials which can be re-used to make the same product again, or different products. Words related are “upcycle”, “downcycle”, “manycycle.” Example: The government wants us to separate recyclable material from the garbage that is used for composting.

[20] Rewilding [noun]:

A form of conservation in which animals and plants are reintroduced into an area to help it return it to its natural wild state. Example: It will be wonderful if every city rewilds at least a small portion of its area.

[21] Sanctuary [noun]:

A specially designated area where animals live in a natural environment protected from people. Example: Tiger sanctuaries in India have worked hard to protect tigers from poachers.

[22] Sustainable development [noun]

Managing the lives of people and natural resources in such a way as to preserve both; using resources judiciously to ensure their future.

Example: Using water carefully is one example of sustainable development.

[23] Toxic [adjective]:

Poisonous and harmful to people, animals, or the environment. Example: The rubber factory was letting out toxic fumes into the air.

[24] U-value [noun]:

A measure of how well a part of a building, for example a window or a roof, prevents heat/cool-air from escaping. Example: New lining on windows can help preserve their U-value.

[25] Zero carbon [adjective]:

Not causing carbon emissions, that is, not letting carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.

Example: The government has proposed new standards for car engines to reduce carbon emissions.


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