How many days would it take to walk around the moon?

So far 12 humans have set foot on the Moon as part of NASA’s Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972. While none of them was sent with the intention of walking the circumference of the Moon, have you ever imagined how many days it would take to actually do so?

Hypothetically speaking…

It would take 91 days to walk around the Moon non-stop. How do we arrive at this figure? In 2014, NASA published a study in the Journal of Experimental Biology. The study tested how fast humans could walk and run in simulated lunar gravity. Eight participants, three of whom were astronauts, were asked to use a treadmill onboard a McDonnell Douglas DC-9 aircraft, which flew special parabolic trajectories to simulate gravity on the Moon for up to 20 seconds at a time.

It was found that the participants were able to walk up to a speed of 5 km/hr before breaking into a run. Therefore, at this speed, it would take a human about 91 days to cover the 10,921-km circumference of the Moon if he or she walks non-stop.

In reality…

We arrive at the 91 days considering the average maximum speed at which humans can walk on the Moon and the circumference of the Moon. However, there are several other factors that could make the journey much longer.

First, we need to consider the weight of the spacesuits and the supplies. The participants in the study were able to pull off such speeds, because they were able to swing their arms freely and weren’t wearing any spacesuits. While on the Moon, this speed could definitely come down since the spacesuits are not designed for optimal movements, and additionally, the astronauts would have to carry supplies such as oxygen and food.

Secondly, the moon’s topography would also play a role as it is filled with meteor craters that can be several miles deep. So, astronauts would mostly likely need to find a route around the craters.

Third, the light and temperature factors as well as the lunar cycle where the Moon can go days without sunlight also need to be considered. The temperature on the Moon can vary from 100 degree Celsius during the day to minus 180 degree Celsius during night time.

Fourth, radiation levels on the Moon also play a role. Since the Moon doesn’t have a magnetic field like the Earth, any major solar activity such as a solar flare or coronal ejection could send high amounts of radiation to the Moon

Finally, it is close to impossible for a person to walk non-stop for 91 days maintaining a speed of 5km/hr. Thus, while it might be possible to walk around the Moon, it can definitely not be done in just 91 days.


Picture Credit : Google

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