Genetics is the science of heredity, dealing with resemblances and differences between parents and their offspring. In genetics we study inheritable characteristics of plants and animals.

          The serious studies in genetics started during the last two centuries. In 1860, Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, made various experiments on pea plants and drew certain conclusions. He concluded through his studies that certain characteristics passed on from one generation to the next.

          The Danish Biologist Wihelm Johannsen called these factors Genes. It is now known that genes not only transmit hereditary traits but also control all the processes of life.

          In 1910, an American geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan proved that genes are located in chromosomes and they are passed on to the offspring along with chromosomes. After this, Edward Tatum, Hargobind Khurana and others made significant contributions to the science of genetics. The scientists have discovered that nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) determine the characteristics of an organism.

          Today better varieties of food plants with stronger and more productive abilities have been developed by using genetic methods. Even better breeds of animals have been produced by this method. The study, named as ‘Genetic Engineering’ is now a modern branch of biological science.

          By using genetic engineering, the genetic structure of an organism can be changed. Subjects in modern genetic engineering include deletions, inventions, and transpositions of genes including micro-surgery. Pioneer attempts in this direction have been successful.

          By adding DNA from certain animal cells to the DNA of bacteriological cells we can even produce insulin. Genetic screening helps in determining several diseases. By taking some fluid from the uterus of a pregnant woman it can be determined whether the unborn child is a male or a female. Diseases such as haemophilia and sickle cell anemia can often be diagnosed in uterus by genetic counsellors. Early detection of genetic diseases helps doctors to treat the child for these diseases shortly after his birth.