Why cell is the building blocks of life?

Cells are the building blocks of life. Every living thing is made of cells. Plants are made of cells. Animals and people are made of cells, too. Even you are made of cells. Without cells, life could not exist. You could not exist.

The human body is made of more than a thousand or even a million cells. It takes many billions of cells to make a body. These cells are so small that you need a microscope to see them.

Cells come in different shapes and sizes. They do different jobs too. There are blood cells, skin cells, and muscle cells.

The same kinds of cells gather and work together to make tissues. The different parts of your body are made of different tissues. Muscle cells come together to make muscles. Skin cells come together to make skin. Bones cells come together to make bones. Muscle, skin, and bone are different kinds of tissues.

Every minute, your body makes billions of new cells. Cells make new cells by growing and dividing in two. Then the two cells divide and become four cells. The four cells become eight cells. The dividing goes on and on. This is how your body grows.

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